“Mathematics has beauty and romance. It’s not a boring place to be, the mathematical world. It’s an extraordinary place; it’s worth spending time there.”
—Marcus du Sautoy

Mathematics is a powerful and beautiful subject in its own right, providing intellectual challenge and enjoyment. It is also the language of the sciences, providing the insights to understand our world and the tools to explain and potentially improve it.
Mathematics plays a significant role in the life of the College. All of our Lower School and nearly 90% of our Sixth Form study Maths.
The Mathematics department is impressively resourced, we have a large, experienced teaching team that is highly qualified. The passion and enjoyment of mathematics shared by both students and staff is palpable.
Beyond exam study, mathematical opportunities are wide ranging, from small group study and enrichment sessions focusing on interesting and challenging mathematical concepts and problems, to clinics and workshops for any students needing or wanting a little more support.
There are numerous opportunities for students to take part in national competitions, and several clubs and societies that appeal to mathematicians such as code breaking and informatics.
Gold medals in UK Mathematical Olympiad Competitions last year
Gold certificates in the UK Mathematics Trust Maths Challenge
A*/A at A Level (2023)
grade 7-9 at GCSE (75% at 9) (2023)
Edexcel IGCSE
Mode of assessment
At GCSE Concord’s students study topics in number, algebra, geometry and statistics. The most able students also follow a course in Further Mathematics from AQA, which builds on and extends their IGCSE work.
Students who enjoy mathematics can consider choosing Statistics as a separate GCSE option.
A Level
Mode of assessment
At Concord, Mathematics at A Level can be studied either as a single course or, for those wanting to take Further Mathematics A Level, we offer Mathematics and Further Mathematics as a combination.
All A Level courses require students to study algebra, coordinate geometry, functions, calculus, statistics, probability, and mechanics. The Further Mathematics syllabus takes these topics to greater depth.
Mathematics at A Level is a “facilitating subject”. It is essential for some degree courses at most UK universities such as Engineering, Economics, Mathematics, Physics and Engineering as well as for certain other subjects such as Chemistry and Computer Science at many top universities. It is recommended for many more courses, particularly at the most competitive universities.
Students wishing to study Mathematics or both Mathematics and Further Mathematics at A Level should have grade 9 in their GCSE Mathematics.
Mathematicians from Concord have gone on to study Mathematics at some of the world’s top universities including both Cambridge and Oxford. Concordians have used their mathematical success to access courses in a wide range of subjects at top universities, including Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Medicine, Architecture and Economics.

“The satisfaction and achievement I feel when I manage to solve a hard problem always motivated me to dig deeper into the field of mathematics, and Concord provided sufficient opportunities to support my work. During the four years at Concord, I met many wonderful mathematicians and scientists among the students and teachers who selflessly paved the way for me when the future seemed uncertain. Concord is a welcoming community for STEM students who would like to progress further, as well as a second home for international students”.
- Peggy, now studying Mathematics at Balliol College, Oxford