House System
Concord’s four houses are the focus for a range of competitions and activities throughout the school year. All boarding and day students belong to one of the four houses which are distinct from boarding residences.

Houses provide a framework for the tutoring system and every tutor group belongs to one of the four houses. Tutor groups are usually 10-12 students from the same year group and are a mix of boarding and day students. They meet each weekday before classes and tutors get to know their students well. Tutors offer support with academic and pastoral issues and can sign-post students to the right members of staff for more specific help. Tutors are also the teachers of weekly PSHE lessons to their tutor group.
Heads of Year in the Lower School and Heads of House for the Sixth Form manage the tutorial system and provide direct support and advice to students.
Our four Houses are also the basis for internal Concord competitions, providing opportunities for students to compete for their house in sports, performing arts, and a range of other activities such as Chess, Debating, Mathematics and our whole-school Model United Nations. Different competitions are awarded a different number of points and the totals achieved by each House determine the eventual winners of the annual House Cup.
Our Houses are named after inspirational figures of the 20th century Gandhi, Mandela, Pankhurst and Teresa.