Outdoor Education
“Roots of understanding grow deep when curious minds are nourished in nature”.
—Nell Regan

At Concord, we value education outside of the classroom. Challenging students away from the formal academic curriculum allows them to develop strong self-knowledge and provides them with skills, confidence and resilience.
Our induction program for new students includes their first taste of outdoor education with a team-work session on our own high-ropes course. Form 3 enjoy their first walk and camp-out early in their first term.
Every year, students from Form 3 to Sixth Form embark on exciting outdoor education trips. Residential trips lasting between 2-4 days are built in to the curriculum for Form 3, Form 4 and 6.1 whilst Form 5 take a day early in the year to canoe our local river. Students build communication and teamwork skills, confidence, curiosity and so much more.
Outdoor Education trips have included visits to Conwy, Bala and the Peak District, as well as days out at local centres in Shropshire.
On campus, students are encouraged to use our high-ropes course, accompanied by Concord’s fully qualified instructors. The ropes provide students with wonderful opportunities to spend time in nature, challenge themselves and try something new, all in the company of friends.
“It is always a joy to see the look on a student’s face when they realise that they have achieved something that they initially thought was beyond them”
—Head of Outdoor Education at Concord