Term Dates

The school year at Concord runs from early September to late June. There are three terms each year, autumn term, spring term and summer term. Each term has a half-term break.


Students can stay at College for half-terms and students in F5 and Sixth Form can stay for the Easter holiday. College is closed to all students in the Christmas and Summer holidays.


We are currently in Autumn Term of 2024.

Autumn Term 2024


Friday 6thSeptemberPrefects and Lower School Monitors return to College
Saturday 7th SeptemberBoarding Student Arrivals Day
Sunday 8th SeptemberBoarding Student Arrivals Day
Thursday 12thSeptemberTeaching begins
Friday 25thOctoberHalf Term begins (4:00pm)
Sunday 3rd NovemberHalf Term ends (9:45pm)
Tuesday 10thDecemberStudent End of Term Date (5:00pm – after final assembly)
Thursday 12thDecemberAll students to leave by 4:00pm

NB The College will be closed from 4.00pm Thursday 12th December 2024 to Monday 6th January 2025.

Spring Term 2025

Monday 6thJanuaryStudent Arrivals Day
Tuesday 7thJanuaryStudent Arrivals Day
Wednesday 8thJanuaryTeaching begins
Friday 14thFebruaryHalf Term begins (4:00pm)
Sunday 23rdFebruaryHalf Term ends (9:45pm)
Wednesday 9thApril Student End of Term Date (5:00pm – after final assembly)

NB Form 3 and Form 4 students are not permitted to stay on campus after 4:00pm on Friday 11th April and should not return before the evening of Wednesday 23rdApril.  Students in Form 5, 6.1 and 6.2 may remain on campus to revise during the holiday period.

Summer Term 2025

Wednesday 23rdAprilAll students return (by 9:45pm)
Thursday 24thAprilTeaching begins
Friday 23rdMayHalf Term begins (4:00pm)
Tuesday 27thMayHalf Term ends (9:45pm)
Friday 20thJuneStudent End of Term Date (5:00pm – after final assembly)

NB Students should leave by 4:00pm on Sunday 22nd June unless they are involved in public examinations taking place after this date. All remaining students should leave by 5pm on Wednesday 25th June (exam date dependent)

(In the rare event of sustained national or local disruption to examinations the examination board may be required to reschedule a public examination after 20th June – it may therefore be sensible to purchase a flexible ticket if your child will be involved in public examinations during June 2025.  Any rescheduled examination would be held within three working days of the end of term, i.e. by 5:00pm on Wednesday 25th June).

All dates are provisional and may be subject to minor changes.

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