Spiritual Life
As human beings we only really flourish if all aspects of our lives are strong. We strongly believe that the human spirit should be nourished here at Concord, and also recognise that this can mean different things to different people.

Although Concord College does not have a religious foundation and students do not attend compulsory services of worship or Chapel as they would in many schools, we have a strong respect for individual religious belief and for the belief systems of the world. Students of all the major world religions have studied here at Concord alongside those of no faith. If a student wishes to practise their faith at Concord it is supported. We have an active Christian group and organise transport for those who wish to attend a church service on Sundays in Shrewsbury. Similarly, students are supported if they wish to observe Ramadan or to celebrate Eid, the Mid-Autumn festival, Lunar New Year, the Orthodox New Year or the Festival of Light. The crucial element in the observance of any belief here at Concord is that it is undertaken with a sense of perspective and a tolerance of difference.
We are also mindful of the spiritual development of the many Concord students who have no formal religious belief. This is achieved formally through assemblies, tutor time, clubs and societies and a wealth of other activities, but it is also informally reinforced by the ethos of the college which places such an emphasis on trust, decency and respect for others. Fundamentally, as human beings we must learn to live with and to understand others. This core message of harmony is evident in the day-to-day life of all that we do in the Concord community.