A-Level Results Day 2023

Congratulations to our A Level students who have received their results today.
As a result of their hard work, 90 students – well over half of the year group – secured 3 A grades or better in their final results. 33 students achieved 3 A* grades or better.
Among the many exciting and prestigious universities in the UK and around the world, 12 students will be taking up places at Oxford and Cambridge to study a wide range of subjects; Engineering, Medicine, Architecture, Mathematics, Economics, Law, Computer Science and Biochemistry.
Our Head Prefects, Bee and Elen, both achieved A* grades in all of their exams and both will be going to Cambridge to study Engineering.
Principal, Dr Michael Truss said “These results represent a huge achievement for our students.
“Despite being unable to sit GCSE exams in the pandemic two years ago, and many beginning their A Levels with quarantine, they have adapted to the demands of A Level and have worked incredibly hard. They have shown dedication and perseverance, qualities which they will take with them into their future endeavours; they fully deserve their brilliant successes.
“As an international school a number of our students have also had to contend with world events affecting their home countries, the manner in which they have pursued their studies and been supported by their fellow students is utterly inspiring and something to be proud of.”