Two Concord Art Students top in the GCSE exam

Two Concord GCSE Art students have been told that they were among the country’s top scoring students for their Art exams.

Ginny and Amanda both received 9s for their GCSE Art over the summer but only found out just how good their marks were when they came back to school. Both scored maximum marks in all of the components of the GCSE exam, putting them in a small group of the most outstanding Art students nation wide.

A small selection form their GCSE Art portfolios is currently on display in the Art Department in celebration, and as inspiration for other students.

Both girls were taught by Miss Williams who commented on their dedication, not only in spending many hours on their work, but in their approach to art and tackling new challenges.

Academic and intellectual courage are necessary to be successful in art and both girls described how their GCSE study of Art had helped them to be more able to challenge and push themselves in all areas. Being prepared to try something without the guarantee that it will lead to what they expected in their art has given both confidence that they can apply in their other studies and outside of the classroom.