Concord Model United Nations

Welcome to Concord’s Model United Nations Homepage

Model United Nations simulations are held all over the world by students and their teachers. There are versions of MUN involving students from primary school age right up to University. Although they resemble the real UN in many ways MUNs do not follow the actual rules and practices used at the UN. There is however a real UN resolution Resolution 77/336 which the General Assembly adopted in support of the MUN.

12 Delegations

6 Committees

One World

Concord MUN

Concord Students come from all around the world and have a long history of being interested in international relations and world affairs. There is even a Concord Alumnus who became President of the UN Security Council. However, this is the first time that the College has hosted a MUN conference with external invitees. The Secretariat of Concord’s MUN, together with the staff and students of Concord College look forward to welcoming delegates to Concord’s 1st external MUN (MUNcord).


“The UN is our greatest hope for future peace. Alone we cannot keep the peace of the world, but in cooperation with others we have to achieve this much longed-for security.”

—Eleanor Roosavelt

Having held successful internal conferences as internal events for several years now, and having greatly enjoyed sending delegations to other schools to participate in their MUN events, hosting an external conference was the next clear step to take for us. The Secretariat of MUNcord are delighted to be inviting neighbouring schools to debate on a range of different issues, from the hotly-contested nuances of regulating artificial intelligence to exploring history through exploring the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Concord’s MUN Secretariat are:

Cecilia (Under Secretary-General of Economic and Social Affairs)
Vidhi (Secretary-General of Internal Affairs)
Justine (Chair and Delegate Trainer)
Noah (Chief of Staff)
Angelina (Secretary-General)
Eric (Vice Secretary-General)
Betty (Under Secretary-General of Political Affairs)
Aleeya (Under Secretary-General of Delegate Affairs)
Nain (Secretary-General of Public Affairs)

We look forward to welcoming delegates to MUNcord, delegations will recieve detailed information from the Secretariat via e-mail and Teams.


If you are interested in your school participating in this or future Concord MUN events, please click here to contact us.

Model UN Contact Form

Are you a teacher or student MUN leader at your school?
If you are interested in your school participating in this year’s Concord MUN or would like to hear about future Concord MUN events, please let us know.