
“I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.”


—Oscar Wilde

Drama is the exploration of what it means to be human.


The poet Muriel Rukeyzer once said, “The universe is made up stories, not atoms”. We live our life through these stories, whether it is the telling of an ancient prover, the delivery of a forgotten tale or simply telling someone about your day; we communicate through narratives. Drama provides us with the power to understand and share stories.

Drama at Concord supports students in comprehending their own thoughts, feelings and intentions, whilst also understanding that of others. Students use their vocal and physical skills to communicate, not only as a character, but also as themselves.

Extra-curricular activities are at the heart of the Drama department at Concord. A highlight for many at Concord is the annual House Arts event, and the biannual Winter Showcase, which is performed at the Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury. Learn more about our Performing Arts enrichment programme.

Concord College

Form 3

In Form 3, students travel from ancient Greece to renaissance Italy, Shakespearean England and conclude by exploring the post-modern world. This year ignites a love for theatre in students by allowing them to discover the world around them through drama and performance.



Mode of Assessment
Practical (60%) Written Exam (40%)

At GCSE, students explore practitioners and dramatic theories to devise their own pieces of theatre. These skills are then applied to script work and to theorise how theatre should be made and developed. 

The journey of GCSE Drama helps students discover the power and potential of their own voice. Concord students learn to harness and express their creativity and how to collaborate and understand the views and intentions of others. 


Drama students have the opportunity to grow intellectually, emotionally and creatively. Crucially, practicing drama improves self-confidence, a life skill applicable to all aspects of university life, employment and beyond.  

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